
The AAAIB workshops are open to every one, participants may include parents, carers, health care professionals, students of AAAIB, counselling students of other organisations, colleges and training providers.

If attendees are not known to AAAIB there may be a short informal interview for some workshops to ascertain suitability for attendance. The workshops that this condition applies to will be marked with a double asterisk **.

The cost of all one day workshops is £100.00 and is inclusive of full buffet lunch and refreshments through out the day. The cost of workshops for AAAIB students is £50.

To reserve a place on any the workshops please call 01726 814582 or email

Unless otherise specified all workshops will run form 10:00am unitl 3:30pm. The coffee pot will be on from 9:30 onwards.


13th September 2014Working with and Understanding Drug and Alcohol Abuse
11th October 2014

Working with and Understanding Abuse –Physical – Emotional - Financial - Sexual - Mental **
1st November 2014
Bullying and Harassment Issues (workplace, School and home)

TBAWorking with and Understanding Self Harm
TBAWorking with and Understanding Personality Types –Adaptations-Disorders
TBAWorking with and Understanding Domestic Violences
TBAWorking with and Understanding Eating Disorders